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Lloyd Pilchen’s Article “Ginsburg Versus Scalia” Published in May/June 2024 Issue of The American Surveyor

OMLO partner Lloyd Pilchen contributed an article entitled “Ginsburg Versus Scalia: Textualism and the Delaware River State Boundary” to the May/June 2024 issue of The American Surveyor, a leading publication on land use, surveying, and global positioning technology.

In the article, Lloyd examines the 2008 U.S. Supreme Court case, New Jersey v. Delaware, which resolved a conflict over the Delaware River border dividing the two states concerning a proposed riverfront industrial plant and shipping terminal. Lloyd analyzes the majority and dissenting opinions, drawing upon his background as a member of OMLO’s Municipal Practice, where he serves as legal counsel for cities and public agencies, to explore the method of statutory interpretation known as textualism. 

Delaware serves as a reminder that textualism and the importance of words are not strictly the domain of conservatives, just as consideration of outcomes is not solely reserved for liberals,” Lloyd explains.

Read the article online in The American Surveyor or access the PDF as it appears in the magazine below.

Pilchen American Surveyor Tas Delaware Mayjun2024 P

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